Triniti’s Financial Close dashboard allows you to monitor issues preventing Period Close proactively. Its objective is to help you to close your general ledger reliably. Triniti's financial close dashboard is a part of the Triniti’s GL account MDM. It identifies all the showstoppers that are preventing you from closing all the modules in the ERP.
The dashboard is configured with modules on the horizontal dimension and issue types in the vertical dimension. Each cell is associated with a SQL query, which is executed on a schedule, to get the results to be shown on the dashboard. It comes with a predefined list of Data Quality Indicators (DQIs) that are configured out of the box. These are common problems that every user of Oracle Ebusiness suite deals with. We can configure alerts to the responsible user to take necessary action. Upon execution of the DQI, the mail will be sent to the configured user. The financial close dashboard can send the complete dashboard based on a filter to the responsible user. You can assign owners based on ledger, operating unit, and inventory organization. This dashboard can help you monitor your close process for every period reliably.
Play the video to know more about Triniti's Financial Close Dashboard.
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